Financial report of the “Irpin Restoration Fund” ( November 2022)
Reporting period: August 1, 2022 – November 18, 2022
During the reporting period, 3,578,008.90 UAH ( three million five hundred seventy-eight thousand eight hryvnias 90 kopecks) were received into the accounts of the public organization “The Irpin Restoration Fund” of which
from legal entities 3 530 534,44 UAH, in particular:
- from “Technocom” LLP – 250,000 UAH
- from BF “Move Ukraine” 2,921,099.76 – targeted assistance for the restoration of a house in Irpin on Lysenko 14–г Street
- from the Belgian representative office of Ecosoft company 359,434.68 UAH (equal to 9 954,02€).
From individuals 47 474,46 UAH:
- general voluntary donations 32 482,76 UAH
- voluntary donations for Universytetska St.1-ч 1,231.25 UAH
- voluntary donations for the Kushnir family, 7,486 UAH
- voluntary donations for the Vdovenkiv family, 1 152,45 UAH
- voluntary donations for the Novyts’kyh family, 3 841,50 UAH
- voluntary donations for the Zhukovs’kyh family, 1 280,50 UAH
The public organization “The Irpin Restoration Fund” made the following expenses in the amount of 3,271,907.96 UAH :
- 2,921,099.76 UAH were transferred to the house on Lysenko 14-h St.
- 9.000 UAH – payment of transport services for transportation ( delivery from Dnipro to Irpin) of entrance doors provided by the company “Ministry of Doors”
- 245 782,12 UAH – paid for metal beams for the restoration of the roof of an apartment building (“Munkhausen” apartment building, 53 Kyivska Street.)
- 68 998,12 UAH – paid for thermal insulation and OSB-plate, and delivery pf materials for the restoration of the roof of an apartment building (“Green Yard” apartment building, Bilokur 4B Street)
- 4 849,80 UAH – paid for sand, cement, lime for the restoration of the apartment (Lermontova 6e Street, flat 38)
- 12 711,00 UAH – paid for profiled and self-tapping screws for restoration of the roof of an apartment building (Bagirova 6 Street)
- 3 167,28 UAH – paid for plastic bags, gloves, respirator masks, axes for repair work together with the “Tolokery” volunteer team at the address : Irpin, Hromodyans’ka 4 St.
- 5 350 UAH – payment of transport services for the transportation of the modular house (at address: Turgenivska 52 St.)
- 949, 68 UAH – bank commission (banking services when making payment)
As on November 18, 2022, the balance of funds in the accounts of the public organization “The Irpin Restoration Fund” is 306,100.94 UAH.
“The Irpin Restoration Fund” uses funds only to transfer the necessary reconstruction and under no circumstances it uses the funds for administrative support costs of fund’s activities.