The delegation from Irpin met with the new President of the EU Regions Committee

The Mayor of Irpin Olexander Markushyn and the head of the investment Council of the city Volodymyr Karpliuk held negotiations with the newly elected president of the EU Regions Committee Vasco Cardeiro. The meeting took place in Brussels. They spoke about the reconstruction of Irpin.

The delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe visited Irpin.

The delegation of deputies to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe visited Irpin. The parliamentarians came to Ukraine to gather evidence of Russian war crimes, as well as evidence of violations of international laws on fighting. According to the results of the evidence gathered by them and other international organizations, PACE deputies will initiate the creation of an international criminal court, which will deal with crimes of russian aggression.

The delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe visited Irpin.

The delegation of deputies to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe visited Irpin. The parliamentarians came to Ukraine to gather evidence of Russian war crimes, as well as evidence of violations of international laws on fighting. According to the results of the evidence gathered by them and other international organizations, PACE deputies will initiate the creation of an international criminal court, which will deal with crimes of russian aggression.

President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly visited Irpin.

The delegation of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly headed by the President Margaret Sederfelt arrived in Irpin. She noted that the visit to Ukraine and, in particular, to Irpin will affect the adoption of laws on military crimes of russia in Ukraine

The president of Moldova left her autograph on the flag of Irpin

Irpin continues to impress the leaders of other countries with the brutal truth that putin calls a movie production. President of Moldova Maia Sandu came to Irpen to see with her own eyes the city bombed by the russian aggressor.

Survey and Framework Document for the Master Plan

This framework document for the planning process includes approaches, priorities, physical characteristics, and the proposed process developed by the Gensler team. “Future Restoration for Ukraine” was developed in close coordination with the local government of Irpin, including Mayor Oleksandr Markushin and Volodymyr Karplyuk (Chairman of the IRS working group). The team also collaborated with the Irpin community to conduct a survey, which provided insights from the perspective of the city’s residents. A network of global and local stakeholders and partners participated in reviews and contributed their input to this document through a series of meetings and dialogues.

Mayor of Irpen Oleksandr Markushyn about the visit of Macron, Scholz, Draghi and Yohannis

Today, 4 leaders of European countries visited Irpin. The Presidents of France and Romania, the German Chancellor and the Prime Minister of Italy. The guests visited the streets of 11-th Avenue and saw the war crimes of russian invaders with their own eyes. About the visit of European leaders to Irpen – in the direct speech of the mayor Oleksandr Markushyn

Markushyn and Shcherbyna discussed with the Ukrainian ambassador in France possibility receiving assistance in reconstruction of Irpin.

Mayor of Irpin Oleksandr Markushyn and the coordinator of the Humanitarian Headquarters of the city Petro Shcherbyna discussed with the Ambassador of Ukraine in Paris Vadym Omelchenko the possibility of receiving from of France assistance in reconstruction of Irpin. Markushyn reported this on his page on Facebook.

Markushyn and Karpluk met with the President of the EBRD, ambassadors of a number of countries in the EU and a member of the European Parliament

The Irpin mayor Oleksandr Markushyn and the head of the Investment Council of Irpin Volodymyr Karpluk at the invitation of the Ambassador of Ukraine to the EU Vsevolod Chentsov took part in the ceremony to the west of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in Brussels.

General secretary of the European Council municipalities and regions visited Irpin

General secretary of the European Council municipalities and regions Fabrizio Rossi and the representative Associations bridge of Ukraine Natalia Lazarenko visited Irpin. About this secretary Irpin of the city council Angela Makeeva reported on her page on Facebook.