Famous male singers became the Media Ambassadors of the Irpin Restoration Fund

“After what was done with it by inhumans from Russia, I have no moral right to stand aside,” one of the popular artists said.

This was reported in the Irpin City Council.

We are talking about the frontman of the Rock band “Druga rika” Valery Kharchyshyn, People’s Artist of Ukraine Oleksandr Ponomarev and the famous TV presenter and musician Kolia Serga.

“This city (Irpin – ed.) оn the level with Gostomel, was home for me for a long period of life. After what inhumans from Russia have made with it, I have no moral right to stand aside. I hope we can make the city even better than it was. I would like to draw attention to the need to restore infrastructure and immediately provide housing for residents of Irpin region who lost the roof over their heads. Winter will come soon, so we need to plan and work today” – іmmediately Kharchyshyn commented his participation in the project.

Kolya Serga, who now serves in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, also came to the presentation.

Irpin Restoration Fund was created — Mayor

The Irpin Restoration Fund (Kyiv Oblast) will attract funding for the restoration of destruction in the town caused by Russian invaders.

Mayor Oleksandr Markushуn reported.

“The main purpose of the Irpin Restoration Fund is to attract funding through international partners, charitable organizations and funds, private patrons for the restoration of social and housing infrastructure of our town, which were destroyed as a result of Russian aggression in Ukraine,” Markushуn wrote.

Irpinhelp.com was also created, which published systematic and structured information about all destroyed and damaged objects in Irpin.

“We have developed a general presentation of destruction in Irpin, a presentation of the destruction of each social and housing infrastructure, and the recovery estimates. There, philanthropists will be able to choose ways to help the Irpin residents – whether it is transferring funds to the accounts of public organization, whether supporting of building materials and equipment, whether “guardianship” over a specific object and “turnkey” restoration of it, – Markushуn added.

He also notes that this week the founders of the Fund will hold a working meeting with the heads of the association of co -owners of an apartment building (OSBB) of destroyed and damaged blocks of flats to develop a further joint plan of action.


Irish Prime Minister Michael Martin visited Irpin

The Prime Minister of Ireland, Michael Martin, visited Irpin. He was impressed by the scale of destruction and surprised that the city has already resumed the work of all public utilities.

The Spaniards are studying the needs of Irpin for its restoration

Pablo Gana Quesada, Spain’s Chargé d’affaires in Ukraine, and Javier Fuentes Leja, counselor of the Spanish Embassy, visited Irpin. The Spaniards came to Irpen with a specific goal – to collect as much information as possible about the destroyed objects, to study the needs of the city for help in its restoration.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken was told about the work of the Irpin Recovery Fund

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken visited Irpin. He inspected the residential quarters of the city destroyed by the Russians. According to Mayor of Irpin Oleksandr Markushyn, the guest “was amazed by what he saw and noted that no photo accurately conveys the horror that our city actually experienced.”

Dmytro Negresha, head of the executive committee of the Irpin city council, told Anthony Blinken about the Irpen restoration fund created this summer. The American high-ranking official got acquainted with the presentation of all the objects of the city damaged during the hostilities. Dmytro Negresha spoke about Irpin’s cooperation with international partners and twin cities, including the American ones – Milwaukee and Miami.

“Mr. Blinken highly appreciated the work of our management team in the direction of rebuilding Irpin and promised that America will continue to help the Ukrainian people,” said Oleksandr Markushyn.

We will remind you that the presentation of the Irpin Reconstruction Fund  took place on August 9, 2022, in the Irpin Central Cultural Centre destroyed by the occupiers. The fund was founded by the mayor of the city Oleksandr Markushyn, People’s Deputy of Ukraine Serhii Taruta and the head of the Investment Council of Irpin Volodymyr Karpliuk.

French communities will help build Irpin

French communities will help build Irpin. This was agreed by the Irpin Mayor Olexander Markushyn, the head of the investment Council of the city Volodymyr Karpliuk and the president of the Association of mayors of cities of France, the mayor of Cannes David Lisnar. A memorandum of cooperation was signed today in Paris.

Prime Ministers of Albania and Montenegro visited Irpin

Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama and Montenegrin Prime Minister Dritan Abazovich visited the ruins of the “Irpinski lypky” residential complex. The mayor of Irpen, Oleksandr Markushyn, told the guests about the defense of the city and the evacuation of people.

Mutilated but unconquered: a town restoration fund was represented in Irpin – Facts

On August 9 in Irpin, near Kiev, the public organization Irpin Restoration Fund was presented. The money will be raised from international donors.

This is reported by ICTV Facts.

The fund was presented by the head of the town Oleksandr Markushin, former mayor Vladimir Karpliuk and People’s Deputy Serhiy Taruta.

According to Alexandr Markushуn, for fully rebuilding of everything that has been destroyed and damaged, it is necessary up to $ 1 billion. There are currently € 1 million.

– We have encountered a problem now when people from other funds came and asked to sign memorandums that they would kind of to represent our interests in raising funds to restore the town. When we sign this memorandum, they disappear somewhere,” the mayor told.

The Irpin Restoration Fund was made for international organizations.

– We have made our fund, for which we will be ready to bear criminal responsibility, if something is wrong. We clearly understand it. We want to show everyone transparent work – the money has been received, there is a community, the council at the fund decided that it is necessary to rebuild the house on Novooskoleskaya Street, to make a roof, it costs 1 million UAH. We made, reported, – said Markushin.

According to estimates, 70% of the infrastructure was destroyed in Irpin.

Most international organizations require the procedure for establishing a fund, as its activities will be transparent and accountable. Anyone can transfer money.

Priority assistance will be delivered to the residents of the destroyed houses, as 75% of the citizens have returned to the city. Currently, only 5% of the necessary were able to restore.

8 651 objects were superficially damaged, 2 738 – partially destroyed, 855 buildings were completely destroyed. 22 educational institutions were damaged.

It is emphasized if there is money, the city can be rebuilt in two years.


The Italians will help restore Irpin

Irpin Mayor Oleksander Markushyn signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Venice University of IUAV and the Confederation of Italian Industry in Ukraine (“Confederation of Ukrainian Industry”). It is assumed that the Confederation of Ukraine will unite Italian companies to help rebuild Irpin